Thomas Helm

Thomas Helm is a writer and journalist specialising in globalisation, human rights, social issues and inequality. He has worked as a journalist for the Kashmir Observer, in Kashmir, India and for the International Service of Human Rights in Geneva, Switzerland. He is proficient in four languages: French, Italian, Spanish and English and has recently completed a masters in journalism at the University of Barcelona in collaboration with the University of Columbia, New York.
In 2011 Thomas graduated from Trinity College, Dublin with a BA in English Literature. One of his final essays, a study of the representation of war in the poetry of Louis MacNeice, was shortlisted for the Undergraduate of the Year Award. In addition to journalism, Thomas is an avid writer of fiction. his debut play “A Night of Solitude” ran for five nights at the Player’s Theatre, Dublin. in 2013 The Ilumino di Meno theatre festival in Italy selected “Stories of Exile and Movement” for performance.
He currently writes for Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia. Visit his website