Hours worked per year 1950/2014

23rd November 2019 / NewsBits

United States = 1950: 1983 hours, 2014: 1764 hours

United Kingdom = 1950: 2185 hours, 2014: 1675 hours

Germany = 1950: 2427 hours, 2014: 1371 hours

France= 1950: 2293 hours, 2014: 1473 hours

Canada = 1950: 2076 hours, 2014: 1687 hours

Turkey = 1950: 2322 hours, 2014: 1832 hours

Brazil = 1950: 2042 hours, 2014: 1711 hours

Japan = 1950: 2130 hours, 2014: 1729 hours

Source: University of Groningen


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