Labour Leadership: Betting on Kier Starmer – with a warning

19th December 2019 / NewsBits
  • The revised at 0141 GMT chart shows another topsy-turvy day in the betting for next LAB leader. After appearing to be out of it the former DPP ex shadow BrexSec, Keir Starmer has in the eyes of punters at least, moved to be a clear betting favourite on Betfair. At the same time Long-Bailey has slipped sharply from her Monday peak of 51%
  • This follows what appeared to be the launch of the Starmer campaign with him setting out his vision for the party in a piece in the Guardian.
  • The contest will be on us quickly in the the New Year because the party’s hoping to have the next person in place by the end of March.
  • My concern about betting on Starmer is a worry that he might not be able to get onto the ballot because of the rules that are now in place.

Source: Political Betting

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