Obesity in the UK (adults and children)
Obesity is defined as having a BMI of over 30 (in adults)
35% of adult women are classed as obese as are 30% of men
Under 16 years old – 15% of girls and of 17% boys are classed as obese
Prevalence for kids: deprived areas just over double that of least deprived areas – reception (4/5 yr) and year 6 (10/11)
650,000 children now estimated to have fatty liver disease
Severe obesity 4.7% of the under 16s population – highest ever recorded
The UK is the 4th highest consumer of confectionary in Europe
The UK is the 2nd highest consumer of sweets/savoury goods in Europe (Ireland 1st)
The UK is the 2nd lowest for eating fruit (Croatia worst)
Source: Chief Medical Officer 2019
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