The truth about older siblings
Eighty-five percent of adults have at least one sibling, yet an estimated 3% to 10% have completely severed contact with a brother or sister.
The eldest children who are expected to care for younger siblings may feel overburdened and resentful that later ends with a permanent split
Children born too many years apart, may never share common interests or developmental stages. For them, slender ties are sometimes easy to cut.
(Source – Time)
Studies show that when you pair people up in 5- to 15-minute conversations, as if it were a speed date, the males who grew up with sisters tend to do better than the ones who grew up with brothers or as only children. Similarly, the females with brothers tend to do better with boys.
If you have a combative sibling or a physically intimidating, older sibling, you learn a lot about how to deal with situations like that later in life.
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Source – “ The Sibling Effect,” by science writer Jeffrey Kluger