BBC Announces New Anti-Scottish Propaganda Channel

By Craig Murray – The BBC is to launch a major new unionist propaganda channel in time for the next Independence referendum. There will be 80 new unionists employed as journalists. Close relatives of senior Labour party figures are particularly welcome to apply, and in a new broadening of BBC Scotland employment policy, a larger percentage of Ruth Davidson fans will also be recruited.
The news of the new job opportunities is especially welcome to the large number of Labour Party hacks who will be unemployed following the Scottish council elections in May.
TruePublica Editor: “A new TV channel for the BBC in Scotland will begin broadcasting in autumn 2018” BBC director-general Tony Hall has announced. The channel will have a budget of £30m, equivalent to the amount spent on BBC4. The plans for the channel include a Scottish news hour at 9pm which will broadcast stories from Scotland, the UK and the world and would also be focused on drama and factual programming. There will be integrated hour-long news programme at 9pm, edited and presented from Scotland and 80 new posts for journalists are available. Lord Hall described it as the biggest single investment in broadcast content in Scotland for more than 20 years.