Jo Cox: A tragedy twisted into a bogus ‘terror plot’?

By TruePublica: The Guardian reported it as – Far-right terrorist Thomas Mair jailed for life for Jo Cox murder. “The judge said Mair would have to serve a whole-life sentence due to the “exceptional seriousness” of the offence: a murder committed to advance a cause associated with Nazism.”
“Jo Cox killed in ‘brutal, cowardly’ and politically motivated murder, trial hears” – goes another headline.
But was Jo Cox murdered due to the political motivation of a right-wing extremist? Was it a desire to elevate the significance of so-called ‘right-wing extremism’ which impelled the Crown Court to treat the case as political from the start?
Peter Hitchens, the conservative columnist and ‘reformed Thatcherite’ thinks differently on this sensitive matter. He has said time and time again that many of the so-called terrorist murders reported in Britain, such as that of Fusilier Lee Rigby, the Manchester Arena bombing and many others have something else rooted deeply in their actions. Hitchens asserts that there is a correlation between the use of cannabis and other psychotropic drugs dished out to those with behavioural problems – and severe, irreversible mental illness, especially in the young.
And as Hitchens ominously says – “Certainly, the security services and politicians are increasingly inclined to claim that they guard us against this (right-wing extremist) menace.”
Hitchens has written endlessly on the subject and is proven right almost every time something awful like the killing of Jo Cox happens.
As members of the public, we should not be fearing right-wing extremism in quite the same way the state would have us believe and in this – Hitchens is on the mark.
In America, there is a much bigger problem with drugs – both legal and illegal and we can look here for examples on a bigger scale for evidence.
Leaving aside illegal drugs, here are some facts and their correlations of prescription drugs to mass killings.
Up to October 2017, there were 1,531 cases of psychiatric drug-induced homicides reported to the US FDA; 65 high profile cases of mass shootings/murder have been committed by individuals under the influence of these drugs. The Citizens Commission on Human Rights gave many examples in their report, such as:
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- Washington, DC: Aaron Alexis, a Navy contractor, opened fire inside a building at the Washington Navy Yard, killing 12 and wounding eight others. Alexis had received prescriptions in August 2013 for the antidepressant Trazodone.
- Newtown, Connecticut: In the third deadliest mass shooting by an individual in American history, Adam Lanza killed 20 children and six adult staff at Sandy Hook Elementary School before committing suicide. Refusing to release Lanza’s medical records at the time of the shooting, Connecticut Assistant Attorney General Patrick Kwanashie said that identifying the antidepressants Lanza was on would, “cause a lot of people to stop taking their medications.”
- Snohomish County, Washington: A 15-year-old girl went to Snohomish High School where police alleged that she stabbed a girl approximately 25 times, then stabbed another who tried to help her injured friend. Before the attack, the girl had been taking psychotropic drugs.
The list of examples goes on and on and the link above provides much evidence of this growing problem. In the meantime, here is Hitchens latest on the subject, most particularly on the killing of Jo Cox.
Peter Hitchens: A tragedy twisted into a bogus ‘terror plot’
We are told by some police functionary that 10,000 officers are ‘on standby’ in case of unrest. We are told that there is a ‘febrile’ atmosphere.
And about every ten minutes, we are reminded of the supposed political assassination of the Labour MP Jo Cox, allegedly by a ‘Right-wing extremist’.
Well, if it’s so febrile, it’s odd that the turnout at Thursday’s Newport West by-election was only about half what it was in 2017. I think weariness, rather than rage, is the most common feeling.
But can we once and for all stop making the absurd claim that Jo Cox’s killer, Thomas Mair, was a serious political actor? First, his killing of a much-loved mother of a young family predictably achieved more or less the exact opposite of what he supposedly intended – and he would have grasped this in a second had he been in a normal state of mind.
In fact, his abnormality is the most striking thing about him, despite the fact that it was almost wholly ignored by the police and the courts. News reports from the time repeatedly quoted Mair’s brother Scott as saying that the killer had a history of psychiatric problems.
His half-brother confirmed this, saying Mair would clean himself with Brillo pads and had obsessive-compulsive disorder. OCD is often treated with powerful mind-altering drugs, yet I know of no attempt to establish if Mair had been prescribed such drugs.
But there is evidence he had been. He had told a local newspaper in 2010 how volunteering at a park near his home had helped his mental health, saying: ‘It has done me more good than all the psychotherapy and medication in the world.’
Just before his crime, he walked into the Wellbeing Centre in Birstall and asked for help. He said his medication for depression wasn’t working and ‘seemed agitated and treading from side to side’.
After he was caught and charged, his lawyer oddly said he would not bring his medical history into the case. Why not? Plainly Mair is a danger to others and his action was a terrible one. But why does authority ignore such vital facts? Does the Government want to believe, and to spread the idea, that there is some organised Right-wing terror plot?
Please question these claims.
You can read more on the same subject at Peter Hitchens Blog HERE