LGBT – Sexual fluidity, transgender and nonbinary – the real numbers

As of the 24th of August to the 22nd of September 2022, polling by YouGov found that 41 per cent of UK men see themselves as ‘totally masculine’ and 46 per cent of women saw themselves as ‘totally feminine’ (1 per cent of men did too). Polling data reveals one thing, research into mammals reveals something quite astonishing and may go some way to help the LGBT community.
What would surprise no one is that as the age range increases, the ‘totally masculine’ group increases significantly in percentage as it does for females identifying as ‘totally feminine.’
In the 18-49 age range, 25 per cent of males identify as ‘totally masculine’ whereas the 40-59 age range recorded 53 per cent and 60 years plus recorded 63 per cent identifying as ‘totally masculine.
It was almost the same for women identifying as ‘totally feminine’, which was 25 per cent, 42 per cent and 67 per cent in the 18-25, 40-59 and 60 plus age range respectively.
Of those who responded ‘don’t know’ – it was 7 per cent, 3 per cent and 1 per cent in the 18-25, 40-59 and 60 plus age ranges for males and 6 per cent, 2 per cent and 2 per cent for females.
Another interesting observation is the differences in these results depending on the country. You might expect the more conservative countries like Italy, Poland and Spain to see more males identify as ‘totally masculine’ and females as ‘totally feminine.’ But here there was one exception – Australia.
Likewise, you might expect more liberal countries like Canada, Denmark and Germany to see the opposite, which was true – but again, there was one country that seemed to buck the trend – France.
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Data Source: YouGov Cambridge Globalism Report (Aug-Sept 2022)
In the USA, according to Gallup, the share of younger Americans who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender or LGBT has rapidly risen over the last decade. It’s the same just about everywhere.
Just over 20 per cent of Gen Z (young adults born between 1997 and 2003) now identify as L.G.B.T., as opposed to about 10 per cent of the next generation (millennials), just over 4 per cent of Generation X and less than 3 per cent of baby boomers.
This is more to do with the greater strides over time of liberal attitudes overall. For instance, when comparing Gen Z to the baby boom generation, the percentage of people identifying as transgender, in particular, has risen just about twentyfold.
The first thing to say here is that this is good news. It wasn’t until 1967 that homosexuality was legalised in the UK. Astonishingly, it wasn’t until 2003 that the same could be said of America.
Sexual fluidity, transgender and nonbinary experiences are clearly intrinsic to the human experience. To say anything else nowadays is simply wrong. And there is a reason why this point must be made.
As The Times newspaper reported just last week – “Same-sex sexual behaviour seems to be a common behaviour in mammals, recorded in about 5 per cent of the species and 50 per cent of the families, a frequency that appears to be higher than in other animal groups such as birds or insects.”
The reasons are clear to researchers. The researchers tried to trace the evolutionary origins of same-sex behaviour by looking for common ancestors between species that exhibited it. They said: “Ancestral reconstruction suggests that same-sex sexual behaviour may have evolved multiple times.”T
Intriguingly, they also said that this was likely to under-represent the true proportion. “Of the 22 mammalian species that are the subject of continuing long-term studies, same-sex sexual behaviour has been found in more than 80 per cent.”
Their findings led them to make a conclusion. “Same-sex sexual interactions may serve to communicate social status and establish and reinforce dominance hierarchies, thus preventing future conflicts, or may contribute to diverting aggressive behaviour toward courtship behaviour.”
As for us humans, whilst the researchers were not looking at LGBT traits – they noted that same-sex sexual behaviour was frequent in humans as it was – “existing throughout most of our history”. The scientists said, however, that most studies in non-human mammals looked at instances of “temporary sexual contact of members of the same sex”. They added: “This behaviour should be distinguished from homosexuality as a more permanent same-sex preference, as found in humans.”
The fact that we humans are far more intellectually developed and diverse and therefore have far more complicated social lives than all other mammals, only makes the human species more developed in every sense. In most Western countries, humans can choose quite a lot about how to live their lives whereas most mammals cannot choose much at all, especially their environment, for all sorts of survival reasons. But the fact is, same-sex activity is common in mammals. It stands to reason that the LGBT community is simply a part of our natural existence.
The response from society more widely, especially those who are supposed to be our political leaders should be nothing more than encouragement for our LGBT community. This newly awakened LGBT diversity should be supported because, in reality, it was simply hidden before now. And if you really want to damage the mental health of millions, then deny the reality of the real human experience and aim for bigotry … because that is all it is.