PROOF! The British Establishment V’s Julian Assange

By TruePublica: Foreign Policy Journal recently headlined: “The Persecution of Julian Assange“. The article starts with the quote “we need a political intervention to make this situation end. Julian Assange is the only political prisoner in Western Europe” – and it ends with “For the British, serving Washington is a higher calling than the honour of their country.”
This is now how the public views British justice in modern day Britain.
Julian Assange has never been charged with any crime. Anyone with an internet connection knows this. For Britain, this episode is an atrocious indictment of ‘the establishment’ as we understand it. Any pretence that (any of) the political leaders of Britain claim to have about human rights and civil liberties are completely shattered when one thinks of the world’s most famous prisoner of conscience.
Sky News said of the recent appeal by Assange – “The WikiLeaks’ founder thinks he is “above the normal rules of law”, judge says, as Assange fails to have arrest warrant dropped.” The Guardian reports that “WikiLeaks founder continues to face arrest if he leaves Ecuadorian embassy as judge rejects request to quash warrant.” There’s plenty of mainstream news on this story. There is no mainstream news at all, anywhere, of who is behind this appalling butchery of what might be left of British justice.
Craig Murray – ex British ambassador bravely speaks up. “Security Intelligence Consultancy” SC Strategy Ltd has only three directors. One is the husband of the judge in yesterday’s Assange ruling. One is the former Head of MI6, Sir John Scarlett, who is synonymous with crooked security operations and personally wrote the notorious dossier of lies on Iraqi WMD, thus causing the subsequent deaths of millions of people. One is Lord Carlile, who was notably close to protected Establishment paedophiles Greville Janner and Cyril Smith. Is the British Establishment not endlessly fascinating?
The corporate media has published no information about “Lady” Arbuthnot’s background and sinister links at all, despite the fact it is uniformly carrying her jibes at Assange as a major story. There can be no clearer example of the fact that it is the corporate media which, deliberately and systematically, spreads fake news, while bloggers get out the actual facts via social media.
To anyone to whom British corruption is not axiomatic, it appears pretty rum that the judge in the Assange case is married to a government parliamentarian and close to the security services. If anybody thinks the Assange case had anything to do with justice, they are very mistaken.”
Directors of SC Strategy Ltd from Companies House Register
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Back in January 2015, The Mirror reported on a case completely unconnected with this case: “Shameless Tory MP takes FIVE free foreign trips in five months as he’s ‘winding down‘.” The Mirror continues:
After announcing he wanted to “wind down a bit” before he quits Parliament, a shameless Tory MP jetted off on five freebie overseas trips in as many months. James Arbuthnot skipped Commons sessions to enjoy the all-expenses-paid jaunts that cost £11,000. The visits between July and November were to Canada, Turkey, Taiwan, Israel and Spain. During this five-month period he spoke in Parliament on just three days.
Mr Arbuthnot’s wife joined him on two of the trips, including to Istanbul where the couple gorged on an astonishing £1,200 of food during the long weekend. The MP went on the visit just two days after returning from his jaunt to Canada.
Eton-educated Mr Arbuthnot, 62, quit his role as Commons Defence Committee chairman in May after saying he wanted to take things easier before he bows out from Parliament at the general election this year.
Of course, we are obliged to say that there is no suggestion Mr Arbuthnot has broken any Parliamentary rules when it comes to his behaviour or his ‘expenses’.
However, one should not forget that James Arbuthnot was the head of the The Defence Select Committee. It oversees the operations of the Ministry of Defence and its associated public bodies, including the armed forces.
So here are some dots for you to make up your own mind as to what you might think is going on:
- Julian Assange: Political prisoner of conscience – head of whistleblower website Wikileaks.
- Wikileaks: Publishes secret/classified information provided by anonymous sources, most notably “Collateral Murder” amongst others including, the Iraq war logs, the Afghan Diary, diplomatic cables and other embarrassing material to the US and UK authorities.
- James Norwich Arbuthnot, Baron Arbuthnot of Edrom and life peer. Educated at Eton, British Tory politician, ex head of Defence and Intelligence 2005-14. In government 1988-97, 2010 -15.
- Sir John Scarlett KCMG OBE – a retired British senior intelligence officer. He was Chief of the British Secret Intelligence Service (
MI6) from 2004 to 2009. Prior to this appointment, he had chaired the Cabinet Office Joint Intelligence Committee. - Lord Carlile – far too dangerous to speculate on this website as to the skeletons running around in his cupboard – however, see Anglican church ‘rushed to judgment’ in George Bell child abuse case and “The Remarkably Unobservant Baron Carlile.” In one quote just to describe his qualifications as senior officer of the Establishment: “Carlile went on to be a stunningly illiberal “Independent” Reviewer of anti-terror legislation, where he demonstrated his independence by agreeing to absolutely everything the security services told him.”
- Lord Carlile, who often defends work of intelligence services, has earned £400,000 from consultancy formed with former head of MI6 Sir John Scarlett. James Arbuthnot is also a director of this same company – SC Strategy.
- SC Strategy, whose three directors (above) are all interconnected appears to maintain a degree of clout in Whitehall. Cabinet Office records show that on 10 April 2013 and 6 June 2014, the company had a private meeting with the cabinet secretary Sir Jeremy Heywood – widely viewed as the most influential player in PM of the day – David Cameron’s No 10.
- Carlile has made a series of high-profile interventions in support of the security and intelligence services (when Theresa May was Home Secretary). In October 2013, the peer argued that publication of Edward Snowden’s revelations about mass surveillance amounted to a criminal act.
- Theresa May, is in large part the architect of mass public surveillance, particularly when Home Secretary – much of which has now been deemed illegal. Carlile, Scarlett and Arbuthnot are all heavily connected to the intelligence services who instigate these illegal practices.
- Judge (Lady Emma) Arbuthnot declares Assange appeal not in the public interest and “he can leave the embassy whenever he wishes” which, is of course true, if Assange wants to be arrested, sent to the USA – courtesy of free travel and speedy extradition documentation provided by the British authorities – and spend the rest of his days in solitary confinement.
- Since leaving MI6, Scarlett has taken up senior advisory positions at accountant PricewaterhouseCoopers, US investment bank Morgan Stanley and is a director and senior adviser at News Corp’s holding company – Also Known As – the Mainstream media.
You couldn’t make it up!
They do though.
All the time.