Was G20 Hamburg Chaos Funded By George Soros? And What Next?
Meetings of the G20 originally started in November 2008 in Washington DC, USA and have continued in different member states annually. Generally they have always been met with some degree of protest. The 2010 G20 Toronto summit protests began one week ahead and were for various causes, including poverty, climate change and anti-capitalism. However, more than 1,000 people were eventually detained – described as one of the worst violations of civil liberties in Canada’s history where civil liberty campaigners then won the right with class-action lawsuits against police.
A demonstration likely to have drawn up to 120,000 people at the G20 summit in Brisbane in 2015 was reduced to as few as 1,000 because of draconian protest laws. Again, it was described as a low point in the city’s recent history of social protest at a time when many in the community disapproved of climate change being struck from the summit agenda by the government of the day. However, most of these meetings were well controlled one way or another – by legal methods or otherwise.

However, the recent 2017 Hamburg meeting was something different though. Germany’s local.de reports that nearly 500 police officers were injured in clashes with protesters where violence continued to rage after G20 leaders returned home on Saturday, with far-left protesters setting fire to a number of vehicles into the early morning hours, police said. Demonstrators gathered after the close of the summit in the Schanzen district, a stronghold for radicals which was the site of multiple confrontations. Armed with glass bottles and targeting vehicles, many of which they set on fire, the rioters were pushed back by officers, using water cannon and tear gas.

Politico.eu reported that the Hamburg mayor was ‘ashamed’ of G20 riots and was being threatened with dismissal.
Another report says that “Germany’s foreign minister has lost his cool and called for Angela Merkel to step down as chancellor after accusing his boss of holding the G20 in Hamburg for a “secret political goal”.
Shocking images and footage from Hamburg show smashed up and ransacked shops, empty shelves and broken plate glass littering the streets. Many shops, businesses and buildings were vandalised while others were deliberately set alight and torched after a night of clashes between demonstrators and the police.

The result? German politicians are now calling for a Europe-wide extremism database as minister says events highlight ‘leftwing readiness to use violence.’ German justice minister, Heiko Maas, of Merkel’s SPD coalition partners, said the federal government would put more money into preventing leftwing extremism. Maas also told the tabloid Bild that the G20 had shown the reality of experts’ assessments that “Germany has reached a historic high point in terms of politically-motivated violence”. The fact that many of those ready to commit violence had come from abroad was an added incentive to setting up an extremism database, to which every European country should have access, he said.
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The Guardian reported that “the interior minister, Thomas de Maizière, claimed leftwing extremists had planned for more than a year for the G20 and “several hundred” people had been turned back after Germany tightened its border controls.”
Peter Altmaier, Merkel’s chief of staff, said the government would look at the possibility of closing down leftwing centres, such as the Rote Flora in Hamburg and the Rigaer Strasse commune in Berlin.
In addition to the measure being proposed, members of Merkel’s CDU have since called for the temporary tightening of border controls that were put in place prior to the summit to permanently remain in place after the interior ministry said they had led to the unexpected capture of 673 criminals. The suggestion here is that they were on their way to the summit even if they were found to be unconnected.
Some think there is more to this than a bunch of semi-organised anarchists and protestors with a personal distaste for capitalism. The German government commissioned a report – ‘Defence of the German constitution’ which, found there were nearly 30,000 left-wing extremists, of whom nearly 9,000 were known to be violent and living in Germany, let alone thousands of others prepared to move from country-to-country due to open EU borders.
Europol’s most recent EU terrorism report noted a “sharp increase” in left-wing and anarchist terrorist attacks from 2015 to 2016.
What unites left-wing radicals, according to the German Interior Ministry, in a report for DW.com is “the rejection of the capitalist system as a whole.” The ministry adds that far-left radicals define capitalism not just as an economic system, narrowly understood, but as a whole complex of things including social inequity, the “destruction” of living space in cities, war, right-wing extremism, racism and environmental destruction.
Martin Armstrong of ArmstrongEconomics goes one step further: “The destruction of Hamburg has been massive. There is much going on behind the scenes politically with the focus now on intensely monitoring and censorship to be imposed. The degree of violence many view as unprecedented since the raid on Jewish businesses during the Nazi era. Inquiries are now looking into the organisers behind the scenes and where this originated from. If funding came from any group inspired to create political unrest, we will see some heads perhaps roll, but if that head is Soros, it will be swept under the rug with a bunch of money.”
Soros warned a year ago that the EU was “heading for a disorderly disintegration that will leave Europe worse off than where it would have been had the EU not been brought into existence,” and that “the EU truly has broken down and ceased to satisfy its citizens’ needs and aspirations.”
It is interesting to note that US based newspaper The Daily Caller has openly accused a Soros-funded militant group to be present as the ‘German Contingent’ at the G20 Protests with financial sponsors being the Soros-funded Alliance for Global Justice.
The AGJ website clearly states that it “receives funding from a number of left-wing philanthropies, including George Soros‘s Open Society Institute and the Tides Foundation.” AGJ describes it’s purpose as:
“a self-described “anti-capitalist,” “anti-imperialist,” tax-exempt charity whose mission is to train young activists to build a “unified grassroots movement” capable of creating “a socially, ecologically and economically just world” that offers “alternatives” to the “domination of governments, global financial institutions, and multinational corporations which denigrate the world’s peoples and devastate ecosystems.”
Another news outlet agrees and headlined “Soros-Funded Militant Group Involved In G20 Protests Planning NATIONWIDE Anti-Trump PROTESTS July 15.”
And the accusations do not stop there: George Soros’s THUGS Injure Hundreds German Cops on G20 Protests
George Soros, the billionaire investor and funder of left-liberal causes all over the world, lost about $1 billion in the weeks after Donald Trump’s presidential win according to a Wall Street Journal report in January. Soros apparently lost the sum due to a stock-market rally that was triggered by Trump’s election. In other words, he bet the wrong way as he has in Europe so far. In both, he wants his money back – and more.
There’s more to all of this than meets the eye – obviously.