Russian Ambassador, Senior NATO Staff and Russian Diplomat – All Dead Same Week
There’a a lot of interesting things going on in the background of the geo-political chessboard at the moment, particularly when it comes to the world’s main battleground where 163 nations are now represented one way or the other, fighting over Syria. And just as the US and its allies are losing that battle in the field, strategies could well be changing.
For instance, the murder of Russian ambassador as reported by GlobalResearch stated that “The inevitable liberation of Aleppo was accompanied by apoplectic hysteria across Western political, policy and pundit circles calling for everything from additional sanctions on Russia to threats against the lives of Russians themselves.” In the week leading up to the brazen, cold-blooded murder of Russian Ambassador Andrei Karlov in Ankara, Turkey, the United States repeatedly and publicly threatened “retaliation” against Russia for allegedly “hacking” the 2016 US presidential elections.”
GR’s report concludes and makes a striking point; “Unfortunately for the West, they find themselves threatening the world and celebrating the murder of ambassadors shot in the back by terrorists not from a position of strength, but from a position of profound and growing weakness. It is a vicious cycle that will only further undermine their legitimacy, diminish their influence and accelerate their decline.”
And how right that commentary was! Almost immediately in the same week – From the FreeThoughtProject:
“Belgium — Yves Chandelon, NATO Auditor General, was found dead — by gunshot to the head — in the Belgian city of Andenne last Friday. Authorities are calling the death a suicide, but Chandelon’s family is reportedly vehemently disputing that assessment. Although information remains scarce, there are troubling details suggesting Chandelon indeed might not have taken his own life.”
For one thing, the NATO auditor, who was apparently tasked with “counteraction against terrorism financing issues,” was found over 62 miles from Lens, the city where he lived — and nearly 87 miles from his place of work in Luxembourg. Chandelon also owned three registered firearms, but an unregistered weapon was discovered near his body.
Further, Belgian press reports, Chandelon “had mentioned to his entourage, he thought he had been followed and had received ‘strange’ calls.”
Hot on the heels of the Karlov killing, an additional suspicious death then happened in the same week, “Petr Polshikov, 56, was found with a single bullet hole to his head after a report that “an unknown assailant fired at least two rounds at the senior civil servant,” Russian media reported. Polshikov — who had been chief advisor/diplomat to the Latin America department at the Russian ministry — was found in his Moscow home, however, and only hours after the assassination of Karlov. The circumstances of his death are strange, to say the least.
Two bullet casings were found in his flat, and the gun, apparently used to murder him, was discovered under the sink in his kitchen, according to the Russian media outlet.
At this stage it is not known if these events are all coincidence but if this turns out to be tit-for-tat retaliatory actions on the geopolitical chessboard – expect more to come with an escalation that could turn seriously dangerous, as if it wasn’t that already!