Boris Johnson’s Arcuri scandal deepens

On the 3rd October, a media bidding war was underway for the exclusive rights to a tell-all interview with the US businesswoman at the centre of a conflict of interest row involving Boris Johnson.
Two days earlier, a laptop belonging Arcuri had been reported stolen with the information that she had an affair with the PM. The laptop, stolen in Britain in the last ten days, is said to contain pictures and emails from when she was close to the then-mayor of London.
Jennifer Arcuri, 34, is said to be terrified that personal information about her time with Boris Johnson on it will be leaked – hence the controlling of the media before that information surfaces with proof of emails, contact details, images and other damning evidence.

Gabrielle Pogrund is the politics and investigations reporter at The Sunday Times – and he is hard on the heels of this story. “Boris Johnson wrote a letter recommending his “lover” Jennifer Arcuri for a £100,000 job as head of a public body at the taxpayer’s expense. Hundreds of leaked emails show Arcuri also put Johnson as a reference on her CV. She applied for TechCity CEO after being egged on by Milo Yiannapoulos.”
Yiannapoulos is ther former right-wing mouthpiece of Breitbart News. It goes to show the circles and relationships that these people cultivate.
From this, we can see that Boris Johnson wrote a letter recommending his alleged girlfriend Jennifer Arcuri for a high-flying job as the head of a government quango reporting directly to Downing Street, according to emails passed to The Sunday Times.
The emails show that Arcuri listed the then London mayor as her reference when she was applying for the £100,000-a-year job as chief executive of the technology quango Tech City, for which she was woefully underqualified.
Arcuri was a 27-year-old student when Johnson is said to have endorsed her for the post, which was intended for “proven business leaders”. Arcuri later wrote of the episode to a friend: “”I still have letter of rec from Boris. hahahaha. To think we asked him to write us a recommendation for the CEO of Tech City is just hysterical.”
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A point worth considering here is that even a 27-year-old student thinks Boris Johnson is easy to manipulate and shape for her own ends. It makes one wonder how professinal lobbyists and wealthy business funders of Johnson will get their desired results.
Another tweet from Pogrund:
With friends, she discussed removing “sexy pictures” and updating her LinkedIn to appear a more serious candidate. Yet in her 10 page application she mentioned her experience managing a sushi restaurant. Track changes show she couldn’t initially answer some Qs, writing: “Eek!”
Arcuri had remarkable access: as Bojo sat with his wife at the Olympics opening ceremony, she said she could meet him the next week so he could sign off on the letter she herself wrote.
Is Boris Johnson corrupt? If these allegations by the Times newspaper are true, Boris Johnson will stand fairly and squarely accused of abuse of public office.