Meet Mae Brussell – Foretelling The ‘War on Terror’ In 1974

TruePublica Editor: I came across this story whilst investigating something else and thought our readers might like to learn a little more of this interesting individual who became deeply involved in some of America’s biggest conspiracy theories.
Just to be sure though, this is the exact definition of a conspiracy theory. It is an “explanation of an event or situation that invokes an unwarranted conspiracy, generally one involving an illegal or harmful act carried out by government or other powerful actors. Conspiracy theories often produce hypotheses that contradict the prevailing understanding of history or simple facts”.
In America, conspiracy theories are a part of cultural life, sometimes a way of interpreting and narrating politics as part of an oppositional viewpoint. Sometimes it constitutes an attractive, even engrossing means of engaging in politics. However, on occasions, someone ‘deep dives’ into the subject and surfaces with some quite amazing revelations. Mae Brussell was one of those people. Read on…
Mae Magnin Brussell was born May 29, 1922 – She was the daughter of a Wilshire Temple Rabbi and granddaughter of I. Magnin of the I. Magnin clothing stores in the USA. Mae grew up in comfort. She attended Stanford University in Palo Alto and received an Associate degree from the University of California, Berkeley. She married and had five children – and was a well known American radio personality.
Distraught by the murder of President Kennedy, Mae purchased all 26 printed volumes issued by the Warren Commission report, and attempted to make sense of them by cross-indexing and referencing the entire work. Mae was disturbed by the contradictory information and unreported realities that she discovered in her investigation. As a result, she subscribed to many major newspapers and magazines, whose stories she filed and organised, uncovering connections and patterns behind government and corporate malfeasance that she found disturbing.
Her career in radio started in May 1971, when as a guest on the independently owned radio station KLRB, she questioned the 26-volume Warren Commission Hearings. At the time, Mae suggested Lee Harvey Oswald might not have been the only person involved in the assassination of the president. She became a weekly guest. Shortly after, she became the host of Dialogue: Conspiracy (later renamed World Watchers International). From 1983 to 1988, she hosted the same show on KAZU, a radio station based in Pacific Grove.
Additionally, she wrote articles that were published in The Realist, a magazine published by Paul Krassner. An impressed John Lennon donated money so Krassner could afford to print Mae Brussel’s work.
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Mae came to plot the patterns, interconnections and vast other gross criminalities which were in her eyes the shadow thrown by the cabal who had committed the JFK assassination.
“There is nothing further on the Oswald case except that he is dead.” FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover dictated that line in a memo he issued on Nov. 24, 1963, the day Jack Ruby killed Lee Harvey Oswald as the gunman was being transported to the Dallas County Jail after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
The memo is one of at least 52 records never previously made public that were included in the recent release of about 2,800 unredacted government documents related to Kennedy’s murder in Dallas two days earlier. Donald Trump approved withholding an undisclosed number of other documents pending a 180-day national security review. However, contrary to what the public have been told, there are still over 30,000 documents that remain sealed, which continues to fuel theories that Oswald did not act alone much as Brussell was saying at the time. In fact it is now commonly understood by many Americans that “the Oswald lone wolf fairy tale has long been abandoned by the public.”
All these years later and a recent poll found just last month that only 33 percent of Americans believe that one man was responsible for the assassination. A majority, 61 percent, think that others were involved in a conspiracy. In pretty much every demographic, most respondents believed that Oswald didn’t act alone.
In her radio broadcasts, Mae became so effective by naming names and putting together the pieces of the horror puzzle, that she received death threats one of which was from Sandra Good from the Manson family. The Manson Family was a former cult, a quasi-commune that arose in California in the late 1960s. Manson’s followers committed a series of nine murders at four locations in July and August 1969.
On December 16, 1970, Mae’s daughter Bonnie Brussell was killed in a car accident which Mae believed was a warning to her. Other threats were made when she linked elements of the U.S. military to satanic cults and practices. These death threats eventually took their toll and she ceased radio broadcasting but continued producing to make shows in her home and mail them to subscribers.
The accuracy of Mae Brussel’s research is testified to by the accuracy of some of her spectacular predictions.
Trouble in Jonestown
A total of 909 individuals died in Jonestown, all but two from apparent cyanide poisoning, in an event termed “revolutionary suicide” by Jones. The poisonings in Jonestown followed the murder of five others by Temple members at Port Kaituma, including United States Congressman Leo Ryan, an act that Jones ordered. Four other Temple members committed murder-suicide in Georgetown at Jones’ command.
While some refer to the events in Jonestown as mass suicide, many others, including Jonestown survivors, regard them as mass murder. All who drank poison did so under duress, and almost a third of victims (304) were minors. It was the largest such event in modern history and resulted in the largest single loss of American civilian life in a deliberate act until September 11, 2001
In August 1977 (Broadcast #282) Mae discussed Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple’s move to Guyana. She speculated it might be a training camp for assassination teams. This was more than a year before the 909 members of the church were massacred on November 18, 1978. What then took place were the assassinations that subsequently included the congressman.

Trouble in Reagan’s government
On March 29, 1981, much of Mae’s broadcast was spent discussing the power- struggle within the Reagan Administration and asked who will kill off senior team members first. The following morning President Reagan was shot in Washington D.C. by John Hinkley Jr.
Apparently, Hinckley’s motivation for the attack was to impress actress Jodie Foster, over whom he had developed an obsession. Hinckley was found not guilty by reason of insanity on June 21, 1982 even though the prosecution reports declared him legally sane. The not-guilty verdict led to widespread dismay, and, as a result, the U.S. Congress and a number of states rewrote laws regarding the insanity defence. Hinkley is free and lives with his mother.
RFK Assassination
On May 29, 1968 Mae confronted Rose Kennedy at the Monterey Peninsula Airport and handed her a note telling her Robert F. Kennedy would soon be assassinated. A week later he was shot to death at The Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. Sirhan Sirhan, a 24-year-old Palestinian/Jordanian immigrant, was convicted of Kennedy’s murder and sentenced to death in 1969, although his sentence was commuted to life in prison in 1972. Speculation has arisen that this was a mind control experiment conducted by the CIA. See video: The Strange case of Sirhan Sirhan
The “War on Terror”
Mae Brussell predicted the “War on Terror”, writing in 1974:
“We are going to see a great number of articles in the future from so-called experts and public officials. They will warn about more violence, more kidnappings, and more terrorists. Mass media, the armed forces, and intelligence agencies will saturate our lives with fascist scare tactics and “predictions” that have already been planned to come true.“
Whilst in the midst of a far-reaching investigation into the Presidio child molestation case Mae was hit with a fast-onset cancer and died on October 3, 1988; she was 66 years old.
Mae Brussell once remarked “There is nothing worse than looking back and regretting not having done what was important to you. Don’t die before you’re dead.”
Of course, all of these claims could simply be coincidence. But then again – the phrase conspiracy theory was originally a pejorative connotation developed in the 1960s by the CIA, with an implication that the theorist was paranoid to discredit John F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories.
Who’s to know!