An analysis of Land Registry data for 153 new homes in one development at 375 Kensington High Street found that more properties could be identified as being bought through companies based in the British Virgin Islands – a known secrecy haven – than any other jurisdiction, including the United Kingdom itself. Read that paragraph again and let that settle in.
Despite forty-five per cent of the analysed land titles failing to reveal any country of residence for buyers, where residents’ information was available, it overwhelmingly shows that new homes have been purchased by overseas customers, and very often through mechanisms that allow for anonymity.
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Rachel Davies Teka, Head of Advocacy Transparency International UK, said:
“When property is purchased anonymously there is a heightened risk that it was bought using the proceeds of illicit activity, including corruption. This matters because it could mean that corrupt officials who are stealing vital resources from their people are able to hide that stolen wealth in the UK property market. This facilitates the devastating effects of corruption in the countries where money has been stolen from as well as in the UK, where ordinary people struggle to gain access to housing.”
“The UK Government has consistently made all the right noises about doing something about this problem, but has so far failed to translate those words into legislative action. The Government must urgently clarify whether it intends to be part of the problem or the solution to the UK’s role as a safe haven for corrupt money.”
Transparency International were, by their own words, being charitable at best.
More than anything, the key finding of TI’s report into 375 Kensington High Street was not that 36% came from anonymous companies or high corruption risk states, or that 45% had no residency data, but that in total, only 9% were bought by people identified as UK based. Or to put it another way: 91% were acquired by those wanting to hide their ownership from eyes of the law somewhere.