Is Nigel Farage About To Be Arrested?

By TruePublica: Due to UK libel laws, we have to be careful here. Very careful. So, here are some dots for you to connect.
The founder & Editor at, John O’Connell has just posted an interesting Tweet. It reads: “The problem with good sources is there’s rarely any printable third-party confirmation, but I’m putting this out there : We hear, from a reliable source, that Nigel #Farage could be facing Criminal Charges within 6 weeks related to Money Laundering.”
The thread of that tweet is HERE

Apparently, according to O’Connell -the source is none other than the HMRC Money Laundering Unit in internal CPS documents.
O’Connell then said – ‘And that’s all I can say right now’
Except O’Connell went on to say “… except for this addendum: other persons in the public arena are being investigated for similar offences.”
One follower made the point that ‘the establishment‘ were worried enough to follow this through because of a new Brexit party to be headed up by Farage.
O’Connell also said of the HMRC employees – “In short, if you’re 1 of the 1000s of low paid clerical workers in HMRC paying your full tax, but dealing with yet another free pass for yet another Millionaire, would you not consider some form of alternative channel to ensure they were examined as fairly as everyone else ?”
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And … “Let’s just say .. there are HMRC employees who are not entirely happy that certain public figures seem to get a pretty free ride from Mr Taxman … while others have the mallet come down hard on every discrepancy.”
You get the message. Here are some more dots for you.
The Independent newspaper reported from New York in March 2017 that –
Nigel Farage’s top aide sentenced for wire fraud
Nigel Farage’s top aide has been sentenced in the US for illegally using the dark web to launder money.
George Cottrell was sentenced by US District Judge Diane Humetewato to eight months behind bars after pleading guilty to one count of wire fraud. He has also been fined for $30,000.
He had pled not guilty to as many as 21 other counts of fraud, money laundering and extortion. He previously ran Ukip’s private office and Mr Farage’s online diary.
As Cottrell was flying back to the UK with former Ukip leader Mr Farage after the Republican National Convention last July, he was stopped by police at Chicago O’Hare airport. He was put in handcuffs and extradited to Arizona on 1 August. Mr Farage said he knew nothing of his aide’s illegal activity and returned to the UK without his aide last year.
Ukip could not be reached for comment. A previous statement from the party claimed that the crimes were carried out before the aide started working for Ukip.
As Cotterell had agreed on a plea deal and had already been in prison for 8 months awaiting trial, the judge sentenced Cottrell to 8 months, who was then released.
The Guardian reported that – “George Cottrell – A former aide to Nigel Farage who was arrested on money-laundering charges last year gave US federal agents “information” as part of a plea agreement that sharply reduced his possible prison sentence from a maximum of 20 years to eight months, according to court documents.”
That article went on to say that the nature of the information Cottrell provided to federal agents was not spelled out in the court documents. But the documents stated that the 23-year-old, who is living in the UK provided federal agents with “additional information about his role in the offence and how he became involved”. It also suggests he could be called to testify about his statements in the future and that additional information about the plea may be under seal and unavailable to the public.
In other words – there’s more about this case we don’t yet know about.
However, in a separate article by The Guardian, just one week later, it emerged from a story about Leave.EU and its suspected collusion with Russia that – “The material also appears to show that Andy Wigmore, spokesman for the Leave.EU campaign and the business partner of Arron Banks, the biggest funder of Brexit, passed confidential legal documents to high-ranking officials at the Russian embassy and then denied it to parliament.”
And the connection? The ‘material’ related to an aide to Nigel Farage who was with him on the campaign trail for Donald Trump in July 2016 – that material came from Cottrell’s money laundering trial.
In July 2017, The Telegraph reported that George Cottrell was Nigel Farage’s ‘fixer‘. The story itself was about how he survived his time in prison.
On November 1st 2018, it was then reported that the UK’s National Crime Agency announced a criminal investigation into Arron Banks and other individuals and entities. The remit of the investigation will not only include suspected electoral law offences but any associated offences as well.
The FT reported that – “Bob Posner, director of political finance and regulation at the Electoral Commission, said: “We have reasonable grounds to suspect money given to Better for the Country came from impermissible sources and that Mr Banks and Ms Bilney (the campaign group’s chief executive) . . . knowingly concealed the true circumstances under which this money was provided.”
Leave.EU and Arron Banks insurance firm was subsequently fined £120,000 for data breaches and the Information Commissioner also launched a data protection audit. In the meantime, the NCA investigation continues.
Some more dots.
We know that Cottrell was a senior advisor to Nigel Farage and head of fundraising for the United Kingdom Independence Party or UKIP.
In a blog post entitled – The Company You Keep comes this – “In January 2018 former UKIP MP Bob Spink and UKIP election agent James Parkin were sentenced to six months in jail, suspended for two years, after being found guilty of electoral fraud.
The offenses occurred in the provincial town of Canvey Island located on the east coast of England, it was this very same town where George Cottrell, having been seconded by his boss Arron Banks, found himself in 2015 during the UK general election.
From this constituency, Cottrell alongside James Parkin, the registered agent, knowingly exceeded statutory expenditure limits and falsified spending returns. Invoices countersigned by both Cottrell and Parkin, seen by this blog and shared with law enforcement, include hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of advertising and printing costs for local campaigns located in the English counties of Essex and Kent that were never declared.”
The source of this website in unknown but the spelling of ‘offenses’ is American – so beware of what you are reading on this site. However, the convictions of Spink and Parkin were reported in the mainstream media.
In December 2018, TruePublica published an article about a book on Brexit. One paragraph of that book read – “Also uncovered is another scandal, brushed under the carpet, about what the British pollsters knew and what they did with that information.”
That scandal was about how Nigel Farage colluded with British pollsters, one in particular, and shorted the pound on the night, knowing that the EU referendum was going to end up as a Leave result, when no-one else did. Farage has denied these allegations.
This cullusion and the shorting scandal was confirmed in an article by Bloomberg – The Brexit Short: How Hedge Funds Used Private Polls to Make Millions.
The mainstream media in Britain went no-where near this story.
Bloomberg also wrote in a completely separate article in December 2018 – “George Cottrell was a young UKIP activist who ran Farage’s private office. In a July 2017 interview with the Daily Telegraph, he boasted that he’d made a “six-figure sum” during the evening of June 23 and early hours of June 24. “At 10 pm, I couldn’t believe I was still getting 9/1 [odds for a majority leave vote],” he told the newspaper.”
Wikipedia says – “Cottrell was born in London, England to an aristocratic family. His father, Mark Cottrell, a businessman and landowner from Gloucestershire attended Gordonstoun with Prince Andrew, Duke of York. George Cottrell’s mother, The Honourable Fiona Cottrell, daughter of the late British industrialist Joseph Watson, 1st Baron Manton, is a former glamour model and girlfriend of Charles, Prince of Wales.”
Cottrell’s uncle Alexander Fermor-Hesketh, 3rd Baron Hesketh was a government minister and Conservative Party treasurer who defected to the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) in 2011.
This all sounds like some sort of political novel – but the real story is yet to unravel. There’s no doubt that Farage, Banks and others have been involved in ‘skullduggery’ over Brexit. The extent of which is still emerging. It will be interesting to see if the NCA do indeed bring charges of money laundering to Nigel Farage because if they do, the implications could be much wider than initially thought.
In the meantime, if you want to read the continuing Brexit scandal, I recommend you read Brexit – A corporate Coup D’Etat – for three good reasons. First, it only takes one day to read at 168 pages – but each page will have to riveted firmly to your chair. Second, for a limited time period only, the book has been reduced to £2.99 on Amazon – and third, you can download it onto any device instantly.
As one reviewer says – This book gives access to the evidence of the biggest corruption scandal involving neo-liberal finance since Thatcher and another who said -A fascinating insight into what was really going on behind our backs.”
You can buy it HERE