Meet Sajid Javid – The climate denying capitalist who despises equality and opportunity

By TruePublica: Amber Rudd’s resignation may have seemed inevitable to some from the outset the day the Windrush row broke, but it was still a considerable shock to almost everyone in the Conservative party, including the home secretary’s allies and of course, Downing Street itself. This was not part of the plan. Most Tories were settling down after a bruising week just when they thought the eye of the storm had passed when the news broke late on Sunday, only to find the fourth minister ousted in just 6 months.
Javid was born in Littleborough, Lancashire, one of five sons of parents of Pakistani descent. His father was a bus driver. His family moved from Lancashire to Stapleton Road, Bristol.
Javid was educated from 1981 to 1986 at Downend School, a state comprehensive near Bristol, followed by Filton Technical College from 1986 to 1988, and finally the University of Exeter from 1988 to 1991. At Exeter he studied economics and politics and became a member of the Conservative Party.
So far, so good. Then the toxic environment of banking was introduced.
Javid joined Chase Manhattan Bank in New York City immediately after university, working mostly in South America. Aged 25, he became vice-president. He returned to London in 1997, and later joined Deutsche Bank as a director in 2000. In 2004 he became a managing director at Deutsche Bank and, one year later, global head of Emerging Markets Structuring aged just 35.
At this point, the bank was accused of channelling Deutsche Bank staff bonuses through the Cayman Islands where the case was so obvious and blatant even HMRC had no choice but to sue. And they were successful, recouping £135 million that involved a Supreme Court ruling. The bank insisted Javid did not personally benefit – although that isn’t really the point – the point is – he must have known about this extremely illegal activity to defraud the British state.
Javid was subsequently appointed a board member of Deutsche Bank International Limited. He then left Deutsche Bank in 2009 to pursue a career in politics. His earnings at Deutsche Bank would have been roughly £3m a year at the time he left.
Javid is now a banker, with a bankers mentality and this is reflected in his interesting voting record that very much goes against his rather humble upbringing.
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What is interesting given the current situation, he has voted for every aspect of the governments’ immigrant ‘hostile environment’ by way of pushing for a stricter asylum system and stronger enforcement of immigration rules. Theresa May’s 2014 Immigration Act introduced rules which meant that the health service was required to check patients’ immigration status before treating them and stipulated that landlords would be criminalised if they rented homes to illegal immigrants. Employers were required to check people’s immigration status. Then there was the detention of pregnant immigrants and to extend deportation powers. All of this, Javid supported without question.
No doubt Javid will attempt to disown Theresa May’s policies that caused this storm for fear of contagion and will simply stave off the fight waiting for the next storm to give cover – the local elections on Thursday. This episode could well motivate many in a protest vote against Tory flagship councils – we are predicting a bad night for the Conservative party.
Javid also supported the mass surveillance of all British citizens and mass retention of information of online information, both recently found to be illegal by the high courts in the UK and EU.
He has never voted against the government on anything important to its agenda, including the repealing of the Human Rights Act.
He has voted against equality and voted against terminally ill people to end their lives and been on the fence for a smoking ban.
He has voted every single time, without fail, with the government for overseas combat missions and also against any investigations of the Iraq war.
Javid voted against more EU integration, for the EU referendum and against the right for EU nationals right to remain already in the UK and always voted against membership of the EU.
In terms of welfare and benefits, Javid voted for the bedroom tax, reducing housing benefit and against raising benefits in line with inflation and even voted against increasing benefits for the disabled.
Almost universally, Javid has voted for the reduction of any benefits and spending public money on jobs for young unemployed.
Javid has voted for increasing the tax threshold on income, almost always voted for VAT increases and taxes on alcohol, plane tickets, and car fuel but against tax rises on incomes over £150,000.
It should be of no surprise that Javid has consistently voted against a bankers bonus tax, increased taxes on bank profits, the so-called mansion tax and voted for the reduction of capital gains tax and corporation tax.
Javid voted for increased regulation of trade unions.
He has voted for HS2, privatisation of the NHS and education through academy schools, whilst voting for the increase of university fees and for ending financial support for 16-19 year olds in training and further education.
Javid has voted for fewer MPs in the house of commons to strengthen the geographical Tory position nationwide and voted against proportional representation for the same reasons.
He has consistently voted for reducing central government funding of local government that has seen considerable reductions in local community services.
Javid voted against charities campaigning during elections and for the fixed period between parliamentary elections.
He hasn’t voted against hereditary peers in the House of Lords and voted against giving more powers to both the Welsh Assembly and Scottish Parliament and against more powers for local councils.
Javid has always voted against any measure to prevent climate change and against financial incentives for low carbon emission electricity generation methods.
He has voted for fracking and even for the selling of England’s forests to the highest bidder.
Javid vote for the phasing out secure tenancies for life in a bid to continue the council house sell-off that has contributed heavily towards Britain’s housing crisis.
He voted for the privatisation of the disastrous Royal Mail sale that saw bankers makes huge profits at the expense of the taxpayers and for restricting legal aid, the increase in secret courts and against a register for lobbyists.
Basically, Javid has never voted against the government – he’s a yes man.
In short, he’s a climate denying, right-wing privatising capitalist who through austerity despises equal opportunity especially for the not so well off with the whiff of authoritarianism – just like Theresa May.
(Main Image – getting advice from so-called experts to do ‘power stances’. From left to right – sacked, sacked, in the firing line, will be sacked – probably)