The killing of an MP – why this doesn’t make sense
First published 17th July – After a prominent British politician was shot several times, stabbed and finally kicked in a vicious and what appears to be a planned attack after conducting meetings with members of her constituency, Labour party MP Jo Cox died of her injuries. She was just 41 years old.
Very soon afterwards, the perpetrator Tommy Mair, 52, was arrested by armed police. Cox’s Labour party colleague Maria Eagle quickly tweeted that the attacker had shouted “Britain First” just before the incident. According to The Telegraph, there were several witnesses confirming Eagle’s observation. Britain First is a far-right political party dedicated to getting the United Kingdom out of the European Union, wants the end of ‘Islamisation’ in the UK, has carried out mosque invasions and even ‘Christian patrols’
Cox was a passionate ‘Remain’ campaigner.
The Headlines followed:
CNN: Tommy Mair: ‘Loner’ accused in killing of British lawmaker Jo Cox
The Telegraph: Thomas Mair: Man arrested in connection with Jo Cox attack was a ‘loner’ with ‘history of mental health problems’
Newsmax: British Lawmaker Shot, Stabbed to Death in ‘Britain First’ Attack
The headlines are endless and very speculative but many lead on the fact the Tommy Mair was a loner, something of a psycho, and a member of an extreme political party akin to the Nazi’s both here in the UK and abroad, tracked to the USA and South Africa.
The Telegraph reported that “Mair, 52, who was arrested by armed officers shortly after the attack, had spoken about receiving “psychotherapy and medication”, and was described by his younger brother as having “a history of mental illness”. Despite being born in Kilmarnock, Scotland, a decade-old website posting identified Mair as a subscriber to S. A. Patriot, a South African magazine that was published by the pro-apartheid group, the White Rhino Club. The club describes the magazine’s editorial stance as being against “multi-cultural societies” and “expansionist Islam”. A blog post attributed to the group, dated January 2006, described Mair as “one of the earliest subscribers and supporters of S. A. Patriot.”
The Telegraph, like many reports quoted his brother, Scott, 49, who said he had “a history of mental illness”.
An eyewitness at the scene, Hithem Ben Abdallah, 56, was in a cafe next door to the library shortly after 13:00 BST when he heard screaming and went outside. He reported to the BBC that the weapon “looked handmade”.
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The facts so far. The killer is 52 years old, has a history of mental illness, is a loner, a white supremacist and neo-nazi sympathiser and in cold-blood viciously murdered an innocent British Member of Parliament by shooting her in the chest and face with a homemade gun then in a frenzy repeatedly stabbing her with a large hunting knife before kicking her body then wandered off calmly before arrest.
Reuters now reports that his brother had wept when he heard about the killing of Mrs Cox. He said to reporters: “I am struggling to believe what has happened. My brother is not violent and is not all that political. I don’t even know who he votes for. He has a history of mental illness, but he has had help.”
Mair’s half brother also spoke to reporters who was quoted by the Press Association – “Duane St Louis, 41, told ITV television he believed his brother “wouldn’t hurt a fly.” He went further and told The Sun: “He’s never expressed any views about Britain, or politics or racist tendencies. I’m mixed race and I’m his half-brother, we got on well.”
In 2011, Mair spoke of how he had volunteered to work as a groundsman at the nearby Oakwell Hall County Park, which had helped ease his mental health problems.
He told a local newspaper: “I can honestly say it has done me more good than all the psychotherapy and medication in the world. “Many people who suffer from mental illness are socially isolated and disconnected from society, feelings of worthlessness are also common mainly caused by long-term unemployment. All these problems are alleviated by doing voluntary work. Getting out of the house and meeting new people is a good thing, but more important in my view is doing physically demanding and useful labour.”
Reuters also reports that Mair’s next door neighbour said she had known him since he was a boy. He had lived at the property for 40 years.
“I’m totally devastated – I didn’t want to believe it. He’s been very helpful to me. Anything I asked him to do he did very willingly and sometimes without my needing to ask,” Diana Peters said. “I saw him the day before. I was taking my cats to the vet and he came and asked me how they were,” she added.
Mair had taught English to foreigners in the local community for several years and was brought up by his grandparents, she said. His mother is now in a local care home, she added.
David Pickles, another neighbour was quoted as saying: “He’s lived there longer than me and I’ve lived here since 1975.
“He’s just quiet. He kept himself to himself. He lived by himself. He’s been on his own for about 20 years. I’ve never seen a lot of people visiting or anything like that, but he likes gardening. He did a lot of people’s gardens round here. But he did it quietly.”
Another resident, who declined to be named, was quoted in the Guardian as saying Mair had never been in trouble with police, “practically lived in the library” and liked to write his own stories. “He was obsessed with books,” she said. “His house is full of them.”
And yet another resident who knew Mair is quoted as saying “He was friendly. If you said hello to him, he would say hello back. He was not aggressive or anything. He wasn’t frightening.”
According to the Sun newspaper, Mair’s half-brother said the suspect was obsessed with personal hygiene. He added: “He was always cleaning himself. He cleaned himself with Brillo pads.” He was quoted in the Mirror as saying Mair had been diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder or OCD.
Mair was not known publicly to be associated with any extreme political groups, such as the BNP and Britain First.
The facts as we see them now. Mair has a mental disorder about personal hygiene, affecting around 850,000 people in the UK, that is more closely associated with suicide than violence against others. We have no other information as to his other possible mental disorders. He is an avid book reader, educated, articulate and very well known in his local community as being helpful, polite and courteous. He has a mixed race brother who he gets on well with and taught foreigners English language. He would have needed to pass a police criminal background check to do this and obviously had no record of violence in his past. He would have failed these checks if associated with extreme political groups. He liked people and helped older people willingly with gardening and volunteered for community work.
It is clear that the facts are not corroborated one way or the other. He’s either an extremely angry and violent right-wing sympathiser who hates people of colour, Europe and the rest of the world or he’s a quiet chap with no violent background whatsoever who likes foreigners, flowerbeds and the elderly.
Sympathy with the murdered MP Jo Cox will no doubt change the mood of polling outcomes. MP’s will accuse each other of raising a hate and fear campaign and some will even try to politicise this awful incident for personal gain. When campaigning is re-started, the games will continue.
Over the next 24-48 hours, there will no doubt be reports of this man’s past that will eventually confirm he is a nasty piece of work, who was leading some sort of double life and will be charged with murder or even terrorism all to the confusion and disbelief of those that knew Mair.
One thing is for sure – maniac or mentally unbalanced, the blame should not be pinned to anyone or anything as normal people don’t go out and kill for their own ideology.
This from journalist and founding member of Chanel 4 News, Micael Crick.

Lee Rigby’s killers, Adebolajo and Adebowale were charged with murder even though they both admitted to the murder to avenge the killing of Muslims by the British armed forces.
So far the story does not stack up correctly. Wait and see what turns up but don’t believe everything the establishment press is reporting on this case – it will probably never add up.