How Poor is Dominic Cummings?

TruePublica editor comment: The stories about Dominic Cummings were bound to start emerging given his role t the heart of government and deciding what happens in Britain. Cummings is, by all accounts, willing to set fire to everything in his path to see his version of power rise from the ashes. The current government trajectory is leading the country to disaster and I make no apology for republishing the article below. Dominic Cummings does not deserve any type or version of privacy at all, nor does he deserve any legal protection as he was deeply involved in the theft of the private data of millions of citizens in the SCl?cambridgeAnalytica/Facebook scandal – for which he has refused to answer to. We also understand that the theft of data of the Government Petitions website and other gov’t departments is to be used for the snap election. Again, this would be a huge breach of privacy as no-one has given implicit permission for sensitive personal data to be used for campaigning.
By Tim Fenton: As he was doorstepped once again earlier this week, Dominic Cummings, recently appointed chief polecat to alleged Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, snapped back at his interrogator “You guys should get out of London. Go and talk to people who are not rich Remainers”. So is Polecat Dom not rich?
>Dom’s in-laws live at Chillingham Castle, hardly the kind of petite maison allowed to the hot polloi. Their daughter Mary Elizabeth Lalange Wakefield married Cummings in 2011. Two years later, they bought a townhouse in Islington. It cost them £1,650,000. The thought occurs that such an amount would have required a hefty mortgage.
Except that Cummings and Ms Wakefield did not need a mortgage. The house was paid for in cash. Think about that. More than one and a half million quid in used notes. And there he is talking about “Rich remainers”. One, he’s the rich one, and Two, what happens regarding Brexit is not going to affect him one jot. He’s all right, Jack.

Here’s where Dom’s in-laws live …

… and here’s his magnificent new extension
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This is the individual who is effectively sitting in judgment on sixty million people. Who is claimed to be the real power behind the decisions of BoJo? While most people either have to rent their houses, flats and apartments or take on the kinds of mortgages that a spike in interest rates could render cripplingly expensive, Dominic Cummings and his wife just pulled out a wad of cash and slapped it on the table. As it were
Then they had a demolition and rebuild job done, which must have cost the odd hundred thousand or two on top. And he blusters about “Rich remainers”.
The only thing poor about Polecat Dom is his grip on reality. Be afraid. Be very afraid.