The real reason Johnson prorogued parliament

TruePublica Editor: Just as I predicted last year, the Conservative party is now in its implosion stage.
Dec 2018: “David Cameron, advised by pro-Brexit think tanks has brought a type of political chaos in Britain one could only imagine in some far-off banana republic. Remarkably, the Tories have not just divided the country, they have placed the country into a no-win position and quite possibly done so for a very long time to come. They have not just failed Brexit and the electorate but have created a toxic political environment leading to the economic detriment to all those except those that can afford it. They have principally done little but to divide society and make everyone poorer, whilst making a mockery of democracy. The Conservative party is finished all bar a miracle of some sort.”
However, it is also now clear that Boris Johnson’s team does, in fact, have a plan. Poroguing parliament was just a part of it and that has become clear now that Johnson is withdrawing the whip from Tory MP’s who do not toe the no-deal Brexit line.
For clarity this means, Johnson is prepared to throw dissenters under the bus. By throwing them out of the party, and instantly threatening them to stand as Independents – he could even go as far carrying out that threat and call a general election. Then there’s even the possibility of deferring the October 31st no-deal deadline. ‘Do or die’ for no-deal just became ‘do it or die’ for Conservative party survival. About a quarter of MP’s have voted against no-deal. The very survival of the party is now staring at about 70 MP’s in the face with a gun to their heads. This is a huge gamble by Johnson.
For Conservative MP’s on the side of no-deal, it is a career-ending decision. If they vote with the government, their principles will have been thrown overboard in front of the public eye and they will be thrown out (or stand-down) at the next election anyway. If they don’t, they get thrown out. And if they do get thrown out in any numbers – Labour may well get in anyway. At best this is political coercion, just plain old blackmail – by a dictatorial government prepared to sweep away the very principles of democracy.
As far back as 2015, well before Brexit was even an option on the table, I predicted the Tory move towards an authoritarian state and Boris Johnson has proved to be the man to hammer home that ideology.
A dictator and the techno-Stalinist
Some of the big hitters in the party have no choice. They will vote against, people like Philip Hammond, David Gauke, Dominic Grieve and Rory Stewart. By tomorrow, Johnson’s wafer-thin majority will have gone.
What we are seeing here is unprecedented. It’s a good thing this lot were not around some 75 years ago at another time of crisis.
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By tomorrow, the Tory majority of 1 could be somewhere around minus 12-15. In a bad case scenario, it might reach 20. Any more, well, who knows.
Johnson is being told what to do by Dominic Cummings. Cummings is not just a sociopath, he’s a psychopath too. His most recent behaviour in treating employees in the manner he did in any normal corporate environment would have resulted in his instant dismissal, not that anyone would have allowed him to reach hire-and-fire status in the first place.
Johnson is a puppet to a techno-Stalinist who creates something called ‘deterministic chaos.’ Cummings likes to unseat normality or traditional ways of doing things and rapidly changes the environment through the chaos he created and then seizes control with a pre-determined solution.
Poroguing parliament, throwing out MP’s, maybe calling a general election is all part of a plan. It makes you wonder what’s next?
A Troubling week
We know from latest polling that voters oppose Johnson’s suspension of Parliament by 47 per cent to 27 per cent. We know the spats between the Lib Dems and Labour will come to an end this week having been forced together by #stopthecoup. The extremes of this government have also made Jeremy Corbyn look positively middle-of-the-road and this will be boosting his general appeal. The right-wing press is playing into the hands of the left as sentiment changes because of real political and economic fear of what the Tories are doing to the country.
Democracy itself is now very seriously threatened – especially this coming Thursday when a case is brought about the legality of Johnson’s decision to suspend parliament for five weeks from next week. If this decision goes Johnson’s way it will permanently alter the balance of power between any Prime Minister and representative MPs, between executive and legislature. ‘Executive’ decision-making is not democracy.
This week will see all sorts of chaotic headlines. Tuesday, when parliament convenes after this chaotic and stressful summer break, there will be an emergency debate – that may well culminate in a vote that would allow MPs to seize control of the order paper, on Wednesday and probably Thursday too. Wednesday, there’s a Bill to debate stalling the 31st deadline until the spring. Then, if that passes, it goes to the Lords, if that passes an emergency weekend sitting in the Commons will follow and if that’s successful – off it goes to the Queen for a signature – assuming Johnson is prepared to take it that is – all in a week.
As for the general election, if one is called – this will be a dreadful spectacle fought out in public and with the public. Expect trouble. This will be the most unedifying extravaganza of the very worst in political thuggery imaginable. By then, the public will be exhausted and will go with anyone strong enough to lead. This is how democracy dies – it’s happened a thousand times before.