If there’s one thing you should read today – read this

As Robert Woodward, co-editor of TruePublica said just last week – in the background, the Tory government continue to stagger their way into making Britain become a subservient state of America in his article about economic regime change. The article highlights the continued dodgy actions of right-wing agitators in the American Tea-Party, their think tanks and front charities who are raising millions in the final showdown. Brexit is days away – and they can smell the blood of their quarry, which is now limping, exhausted and out of life-saving strategies.
Then we find out that Liam Fox, backed by the Tory cabinet is negotiating a TTP trade deal. It’s the same deal that died a death due to mass protests across both Europe and America. Millions protested, riots were threatened and finally it was shelved as the political elite worried about their own positions.
Nick Dearden of Global Justice Now commented on this last week:
“This simply highlights the woeful lack of democracy governing Britain’s post-Brexit trade policy. Following a pretty meaningless public consultation, which nonetheless showed how concerned we all are about the government’s trade plans, the Secretary of State is expecting to simply start negotiating these deals in six weeks’ time. Neither parliament nor the public are allowed to stop Liam Fox negotiating away our food standards or our public services.”
Then TruePublica’s editor wrote about a story that emerged on Business Insider. It featured how just how secret Theresa May’s Brexit team really is. “These Whitehall units are working on arguably the biggest government project seen since World War 2. However, despite Brexit being just weeks away, MPs have hardly any information on the progress of these workstreams.” The story continued to show that a hard Brexit might well always have been plan A.
After all the controversies of illegal advertising by faceless and nameless organisations and front companies pushing for a hard Brexit came another story – this time from Peter Geoghegan at openDemocracy who wrote just a few days ago:
“Over the past week, tens of thousands of pounds have been spent on Facebook adverts promoting a ‘no deal’ Brexit. It is not possible to find out who is funding these highly targeted campaigns, despite new regulations intended to make political messaging on Facebook more transparent. Over the seven days to last Saturday, spending by campaigners pushing for ‘no deal’ far outstripped that of anti-Brexit groups. Some of these paid-for Facebook adverts described pro-EU MPs as “traitors” and “globalist scumbags”. A single pro-Brexit group with almost no public presence spent almost £50,000 on Facebook. Britain’s Future – which does not declare its funders and has no published address – is running hundreds of very localised targeted ads pushing for ‘no deal’.
All of this and many other pieces of information are now merging. There is a common theme and a common denominator slowly bubbling to the surface. To prove that point, the biggest global social media giant of them all (FB) then banned the advertising of a book entitled Brexit – A Corporate Coup D’Etat because it demonstrated how they – and others were deeply involved in something that should shock everyone about Brexit. All this whilst they themselves continue to accept huge sums of money in the same week to usurp democratic principles in Britain.
The same weekend the book was refused for advertising, hundreds of copies were sold.
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